Queen's late frontman was recently in the news as the shock and pain of Prince's premature passing still lingers. The articles aptly recognize Freddie Mercury as one of the greatest rock-n-roll singers of all time and attempt to explain the science behind his exceptional pipes. Though an intriguing topic and worth the quick read, it really is the lyrical and theatrical genius that accompany his god given, dynamic laryngeal talents, that make the below video links resonate deeply with those of us old enough to remember him and still able to inspire those who aren't. To help celebrate the 25th year of Freddie's passing we'll include one silver dime per order from our giant pile of Mercurys and take 5% off your purchase price if you enter code "Freddie Mercury" at checkout. These mercury dimes are in average circulated condition and though their outward appearance may not necessarily be a fitting tribute to our iconic rocker, they too are precious, no longer circulating, and will rekindle happy memories of good times from long ago.
We’ll give you one with your order if you use the checkout code as above. If you want to buy your own Giant Pile of Mercurys you can order whole big bags of them at APMEX for a reasonable markup over spot silver. Cheers.
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